The Tannery industry is important to our country’s economy were it is transformed from the raw material into
useful by products. Processing of leather is in two stages (i.e.) 1) Raw to semi-finished 2) Semi-finished to finished leather.
Different types of effluent are generated from processing of leather which includes organic and inorganic constituents. In India
the existing effluent treatment system is a combined treatment process in many industries, The E.K.M leather process co.,
Erode is unique from the above. The effluent is a combination of low saline effluent, high saline effluent and chrome effluent.
They have an effective Effluent Treatment Plant and are working with the 3R concepts Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse by
achieving ZLD system as per the TNPCB & CPCB Norms. The treatment system consist of Primary treatment system and
Secondary treatment system (i.e.) Developed wastewater treatment plants adopt Activated Sludge Process technology as
biological process, and tertiary treatment system follows mechanical filtration as an advanced treatment for effective Effluent